Installation Guide for Mac

  1. Download and install Firefox.

  2. Download and install the "CLC-4-TTS Suite with CLiCk, Speak - Bundle Pack" from the downloads page.

  3. Start Firefox and go to File, Open File. Then choose the file you just downloaded in the previous step.

  4. Click the "Install Now" button on the window that pops up.

  5. Go to "Tools", "CLiCk, Speak Options" and select "Mac TTS". Congratulations, you've just set up CLiCk, Speak. If you don't hear any speech, try exiting Firefox and repeating this last step again.

Note 1: If you have not upgraded to Leopard yet, you will need to download and install this extension as well after you have installed CLiCk, Speak. Please consider upgrading to Leopard as the Leopard TTS is stabler and provides better sounding speech.

Note 2: The Mac TTS was developed and tested on Intel Mac OS X machines. It might not work for PPC-based Macs. If the Mac TTS does not speak on your Mac, please try using Java FreeTTS as an alternative.